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Life - 2

Live your life”. Someone once said this when I voiced my frustrations. Simple words, yet with a depth I hadn’t grasped at first. I thought I was living in my life, but deep down, I wanted to scream, to shout it out because what you see isn’t what I feel. On the surface, it all seems fine, but beneath, the waves are churning. Pretending is easier than exposing the raw truth, isn’t it? Maybe it’s a lie to others, but it’s my way to cope.


As Adele writes in “To Be Loved”, one of my favorite songs of hers, “Let it be known that I tried”. And I tried, I have. I’ve tried countless times to live this life on different terms. Every morning when my eyes open, my mind races: “What will I do with this day, with this life?”. It’s not about comparison, not a measure against someone else’s existence. It’s about me, my life, and what it means. It’s not just about love, work, or family. It’s bigger, broader–something that stretches into every part of my being.


Someone else said, “Do whatever you want, you’re still young”. “Young”–such a loaded word, filled with assumptions and definitions that differ from one person to the next. To be honest, I don’t feel “young”. Not in the way they meant it. And another voice once chimed in, “Maybe you need to get closer to God to find your purpose”. It’s not that I lack faith. I believe. I have leaned on God. But there’s part of me that still longs to understand my own path, to have some sense of direction as I walk this winding road.


I’m not out here chasing happiness, wealth, or eternal life. What I’m after is something deeper–something I can’t quite touch, but I know it’s there. Maybe it’s peace, that rare feeling when everything goes quiet, and you can finally just breathe. Or maybe it’s feeling fulfilled–not because of what I’ve achieved or what I own, but from knowing that I’m enough, just as I am.


I want to wake up one day, look in the mirror, and feel okay with the person staring back. Not perfect, not without flaws, but complete. That’s the real journey, right? Finding a way to feel whole in the middle of all the chaos, somehow piecing together all the parts of yourself that don’t always fit. 


And I think that’s the toughest part–realizing that life isn’t about being perfect, it’s about learning to live with the mess. It’s through the cracks that the light sneaks in. it’s through the hard stuff that we grow. Maybe, in the end, that’s what it really means to live your life–letting yourself change, not into what everyone else thinks you should be, but into who you already are, deep down.


And even if I don’t have it all figure out yet, maybe that’s okay. Maybe the questions matter just as much as the answers. Maybe in the searching, in the wandering, and in the wondering, we find what we’re here for.


“It’s hard to figure out, embrace the flaws, and be okay with where things are, but that’s life, so live it.”


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