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Life is full of moments where choices aren’t just decisions, they’re turning points. And right now, I’m standing at one of those moments, looking at two roads stretched out in front of me. One path feels safe, familiar, wrapped in the warmth of everything I know. The other feels uncertain, a little unknown, but it hums with the quiet promise of something new and exciting. 


There’s a part of me—a loud, restless part—that long for change. It’s a craving I can’t ignore anymore, a need to step into a new rhythm, to explore a life where every step feels like growth. I imagine what it might be like to wake up in a place that challenges me, pushes me, forces me to adapt. A place where even the seasons change, reminding me that nothing in life is meant to stay the same. 


But chasing that feeling means leaving so much behind. It means walking away from the people who’ve been my anchor—my mom, my sisters, my close friends. The ones who know me better than anyone, who’ve seen me through my highest highs and lowest lows. How do you say goodbye to all of that? How do you look into their eyes and explain that this isn’t about them, but about something stirring deep inside you?


The thought of it breaks me a little. It’s hard to imagine what life would look like without their laughter, their hugs, the way their presence feels like home. I think about the playful jokes with my mom and sisters, the inside jokes with my best friends, and the shares memories that make even the hardest days feel a little lighter. How do you let go of that without losing yourself in the process?


And yet, staying feels like holding my breath. I’ve been here too long, spinning in the same routine, and it feels like I’m slowly fading. My career doesn’t excite me anymore, and I feel like I’m not becoming the person I want to be. There’s a quiet voice inside me, getting louder every day, telling me it’s time to take a leap. Time to see what life could be if I just dared to step outside this comfort zone. 


But is it selfish to want more? To choose growth over comfort, the unknown over the familiar? I’ve been wrestling with that question, and I still don’t know the answer. Maybe it’s not about selfishness. Maybe it’s about listening to that inner voice and trusting that it knows what I need, even if it’s hard to hear. 


What I’ve realized is this: no choice is perfect. Staying means holding on to everything I love but letting go of the person I could become. Leaving means embracing possibility but saying goodbye to the life I’ve built. Its bittersweet either way, and maybe that’s the point. Growth rarely comes without some heartache. 


So here I stand, at the crossroads, trying to make peace with the sacrifices that come with either path. And maybe, just maybe, the right choice isn’t about which road I take. It’s about finding the courage to take a step, trusting that wherever I go, I’ll carry a piece of this life—and these people—with me. 



“After all, every goodbye holds a seed of hope, and every ending is just the beginning of something new.”


  1. Selalu semangattt dd kicikkk

  2. It’s not selfish, it’s human. Wanting more, choosing growth, and stepping into the unknown often feel uncomfortable because they challenge the status quo, but they also lead to transformation.

  3. Ga ada yang egois, karena setiap pilihan pilihan dalam kehidupan memiliki konsekuensi masing-masing. Nikmati setiap proses nya, jalanin yang bisa buat diri lu bahagia. Mangattt💪🏻

  4. Pernah kepikiran ga sih, ternyata memang purpose kita idup di dunia ini ternyata memang buat ngelakuin sesuatu yang membosankan dan gtu2 aja, dan ada orang lain di dunia ini yg bersyukur or terberkati krn melihat kedupan membosankan dan gtu2 aja nya kita... maybe. Ya... jadi gpp buat hidup gtu2 aja

  5. 🥰🥰 GBU Always 😊


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